Monday, 9 June 2008


Hey Everyone,

We have been OFF Blogville/land for a while… well A LONGASS time!!.. Not that anyone noticed, but we sure as hell did : D, and we APOLOGIZE!! ‘Ruffles’ has had exams and well me …. Err…been modelling and stuff…. But alongside our daily routines we've been working HARD on our 'venture' and haven't REALLY had time to blog... but but but..... WE is focused now!!!

So what have we been up to………..
We’ve been rounding up suppliers, getting our stock in and sorting out what we need….. We are NOT almost done, but we is getting there…. But anyways RIGHT NOW our priority is getting in some HOT GIRLIES…aka models…. We will be holding a casting session, trying to find the right girls…. But right now we are scouting DILIGENTLY (I lavv eeeet : D)

Who are the right girls….
We haven’t got a PARTICULAR look… well we do.. HOT GIRLS… of course… But we need confident girls that would be able to portray what we’ve got in mind…. We need flirtatious, sexy, cutesy girls….getting the PICTURE… that would trust us to NEVER make ‘em look stupid…. Our lingerie show is 'A SHOW'…. We’ll have the models ‘do’ stuff on the runway… IT’S BASICALLY A SHOWCASE… with a LOT of colour!!!!....

We’ve got TWO sets of models
The **PRuffle Dolls** and **The Pink and Ruffles Models**…. These would be explained later… But depending on a potential model's personality, they would fall into ONE category!!.....
So if you know anyone that might be interested or if YOU are interested… PLEASE DO NOT BE SHY.... we ARE very serious and we DON’T mess about and won’t mess ANYONE about.. : ) send us an email with at least 2 shots of yourself to:

We are on the PROWL, literally on facebook and myspace ‘oogling’ at girls … like bloody lesbians…. well not reaaaalllllyyyy, but u get the picture…. : D….. So please send us emails…. We are currently SCOUTING… casting dates HAVE NOT been set… So there is still a while yet... We need quite a number of models... we’ve got a few BUT need more!!... So please send us your PICTURES!!

We'll be in touch..........



!!!*♥The Lingerie Girls♥*!!!