Wednesday, 9 April 2008

!!!!P!NK AND RUFFLES!!!!!!

Hiya Everyone!!

Just a lickle introduction about ourselves. We are two friends, P!nk and Ruffles, that absolutely love and adore LINGERIE. BUT, not really the raunchy(well a bit) and dominatrix ones, but the cute, girly ones. We are BIG on colours and LOVE colours that pop, clash and riot. COLOURS would be our signature.

With that said we would still provide the Ultra-sexy Lacy Numbers, Corsets, Holdups et al.

P!nk and Ruffles describe our Personalities; and as such the name of our Project!

We dont REALLY think all lingerie should be hidden away, so we would also provide lingerie that can be worn ON THE OUTSIDE ;-). Havent you got these pair of knickers that you are DYING, just DYING, for everyone to see, well wear them on the outside!! With some colour-clash opaque(Or sheer!) tights

What makes us different from everyone out there? *cough* You'll See!

Think pop colours, with a whole lot of riot.
Think girlie, flirtie, fun, with a hint of RAUNCH
Think chic and unique.............

Oh yeah and COMFORT! :D

We'll be in touch.........

!!!*♥The Lingerie Girls♥!!!*